Content Imperative Uses sed, awk, grep... 3 character ong variabale names "OOP Is literally Hitler" Never bashes Python or Javascripts proudly uses goo TOSern Doesn care what os or editor hers His main machine happens to be a 2013 Macbook war he god as a girl Functional el tit Watches Computerphile, thinks it's "Monad good" " azv evaluation good" "Loop bad" "Matato bade "Imperative not elegant" Rosoonsiblo for Mines of codesin oroduccion Uses Enacs with a light theme on an old Debian machine Uses software written by imperatave sconeager 00P boilerplate Has job consists of writing the boilerplate code day and he LOVES matches Bob Martin thinks the guy 1s a genUs "Oh, I need an object for this of ontar let me make a class rea auck to anticipate a the possible scenarios I may or may nor encoln Responsible for 95 of all lines of code in the world Uses JetBrains IDEs on mindows Uses boated proorietary software Safety- "Rust will replace C and C4 Always includes section in "Meres this awesone PR. bro, replaces your unsate code with AnGi but safe codo ho suppors for macOS, but writes an to back an installation on windous Best he's ever acconolished is writing a colored version of cat SCIMSTRET Mechanical kevboard -inch monitor no zoom when he screencasts kys it you can't see