Found Dead From Serious Burn

foundDeadFromSeriousBurn | network-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, neural network-memes |
network-memes, bot-memes, ML-memes, neural network-memes |


Post Grady Booch Grady Booch 15h We need a standard way to visualizing both the architecture as well as the activity of an LLM (and to generalize, of any artificial neural network). Sort of a UML for Al. 37 17 63 545 ill 63.8K Michael Ehrmantr... miehrmantr... 9h If you knew anything at all about UML, you'd know that it's already capable of this. 12 178 15 ila 21.2K Grady Booch GradyBooch Um. Dude. I invented the UML. 8:56 AM Sep 1, 2023 130.7K Views 256 Reposts 147 Quotes 1,628 Likes

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