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Don’t wanna code

Don't wanna code | programmer-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, program-memes, random-memes, c-memes, reddit-memes, rust-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, java-memes, python-memes, program-memes, random-memes, c-memes, reddit-memes, rust-memes |

[text] RagnarDann3skjold 3h didnt think reddit hated Python Reply A IR SqueakyFox49 OP 3h Been to rprogrammerhumor much They spend a ton of time crapping on it. S Yy RagnarDann3skjold 2h They do but a lot more on JS Java Rust and C kAR Jzmxhu 2h The truth is that they hate to code. X IR RandomFPVPilot 2h One of us a Ry