I Have Aprogramming Joke But Idont Know Its Memory Address

iHaveAProgrammingJokeButIDontKnowItsMemoryAddress | programming-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
programming-memes, engineer-memes, engineering-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes, graph-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


20:31:02 0 0 Q -O rmathmemes uPizzaLikerFan 35m I have a math joke, but I can't proof it. Algebra rsciencememes uAngelitaMcduffie 4 u A Vertalen 1 have a philosophy joke, but I don't know why. Chike Nuel Chekwas 1m ... X I have a civil engineering joke, but it's still under construction. Hafiz Aboki Zanwa 24m 9 Are I have an Economics joke but it's not in Demand. Add yours. Dr Michele V micheleveldsman I have a statistics joke, but it's not significant at Oli Mould olimould 22h I have a geography joke, but I don't know where it is. Vote 6 Share

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