Content Me Nov 18th 2021 Me Nov 18th 2022 I'm finally done assembling my portfolio demonstrating all of my talent with fully written README, commented code, and documentation. I'm read to start applying for jobs Everyone tells me the job market is so hot and I don't need a degree to get a job as a software developer! My friends who are you vounger than me even managed to get jobs, and they have basically no repositories I can finally escape my abusive house and enough disposable income to comfortably transition and not ask for money to buy hrt, and escape poverty. Every single job interview I get into tells me: " see you are very well experienced, i'm surprised you're still looking for a job! However, we're looking for someone with more professional experience. But nobody will hire me to get the experience needed... Every single older person with a job in software engineering tells me its easy to find a job I wake up every day and program for 16 hours for no money and then go back to sleep my life is running away from me and I don't know what to do uni rejected me....