I recreated the discord meme bot in telegram.

I recreated the discord meme bot in telegram. | discord-memes, bot-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
discord-memes, bot-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


C CBot Bot start 11.23 J Is this message Drake or Expanding Brain or Distracted Boyfriend or Hand and Button or Handshake or Spongebob Weak Spongebob Strong ? 11:23 Expanding Brain 11:23 vI Ok. This message has 4 different text fields: Small Brain Medium Brain Big Brain Biggest Brain 11:23 We will start with Small Brain. Please enter the text for this field now. 11:23 Making a Meme using mematic 11:23 V Ok. Now: Medium Brain. Please enter the text for this field now. 11:23 Making a Meme using paint 11:23 J Ok. Now: Big Brain. Please enter the text for this field now. 11:23 Making a Meme with a discord bot 11:24 J Ok. Now: Biggest Brain. Please enter the text for this field now. 11:24 Making a Meme with a telegram bot 11:24 J Ok. Your message is done. You entered the following parameters: Meme: Expanding Brain Textfield : 4 Small Brain: Making a Meme using mematic Medium Brain : Making a Meme using paint Big Brain: Making a Meme with a discord bot Biggest Brain : Making a Meme with a telegram bot 11:24 Making a Meme using mematic Making a Meme using paint Making a Meme with a discord bot Making a Meme with a telegram bot 1:24 Meme by CtrILinkBot. start to make the next meme. Nachricht 11:24 3 O