Content Michael1979 Wanted: Computer Hacker Hi. I am Michael and I am pretty sure that the bakery across the street charged me for 8 croissants yesterday even though I only bought 7. To avenge this injustice, I need someone to help me hack into the bakery's computer and transfer the cost of a croissant from their account to mine. If you are good at technology, be outside the bakery at 5.18pm with a computer and we can carry out my plan. Here is what it will involve: We will be dressed as bakers so that people don't get suspicious (I will bring a spare baker's hat iust in case vou don't have your own) If anyone asks us what we're doing, just say, "We own a rival bakerv called Full Speed A bread and we are just checking out the competition" O L have memorised the Wikipedia page on bread so if they ask any detailed questions about bread, leave it to me If they ask any questions about bread that I can't answer, I will shout "RUN". That will be the signal that our cover has been blown and we need to get out of there If you do this job right and reimburse me for the croissant, I will see to it that you are rewarded. I will NOT pay you in money because that would leave a money trail that the police could use to track us down. However, since you are so interested in computers, I will pay you in floppy disks, like the one below. And don't worry, that's not the only floppy disk that will be coming your way. There are plenty more where that came from. Michael Re: Bakery Hack Hi. Michael again from the poster above. I have just remembered that I only have one baker's hat so you will need to bring your own. Hopefully this is not a problem. If it is. I could possibly borrow the protective headgear from my uncle's beekeeper's suit and you could wear that instead? I know this is not ideal but it will have to do Michael