Content This is not a free software license, because it restricts what jobs people can use the software for, and restricts in substantive ways what jobs modified versions of the program can do. Jahia Community Source License (Jahia) The Jahia Community Source License is not a free software license. Use of the source code is limited to research purposes. The JSON License (JSON) This is the license of the original implementation of the JSON data interchange format. This license uses the Expat license as a base, but adds a clause mandating: "The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil." This is a restriction on usage and thus conflicts with freedom 0. The restriction might be unenforcible, but we cannot presume that. Thus, the license is nonfree. Old license of ksh93 (ksh93) ksh93 used to be shipped with an original license that was not a free software license. One reason for this is that it required that all changes be sent to the developer. License of Lha (Lha)