Content 6 Answers order by votes 27 No, C doesn't have classes. That said, there are ways of simulating object-oriented programming in C - a quick Google search should yield some useful results. Share Improve this answer Follow Stuart Golodetz 19.1k 3 45 79 answered Apr 25 '12 at 12:43 edited Feb 4 '20 at 19:00 I would say there's no class keyword in C but you can still have classes. - Andreas Brick Apr 25 '12 at 12:44 72 "a quick Google search should yield some useful results" is not a sentence that should appear on stackoverflow. - naught101 Apr 21 '19 at 10:49 20 I found this answer via Google and, following your advice, I am now stuck in an infinite loop. - Michael P. Bazos May 8 '20 at 11:31 Add a comment