
For my first 3 years of coding—other than scratch—I coded graphing calculators.

For my first 3 years of coding—other than scratch—I coded graphing calculators. | programming-memes, coding-memes, code-memes, program-memes, graph-memes |
programming-memes, coding-memes, code-memes, program-memes, graph-memes |

[text] 265K 1.15B This was my first programming ClrHo ForA1E2 randInt 116.1lrandInt llangage Repeat CAns 1 Asdim LA sTAL Output 10fPart Ans int AnsO Output 10fPart B int B Output 10fPart Cint C getKey If Ans45 Goto O If Ans34 or 2abs Ans25 AnsK LA AB tLA1 4 K26 K24.1K34 K25 If max LAAns Goto O Ans16 not int Ans 17int Ans.8 not fPart Ans .9fPart Ans raugment Ans LASA End raugment Ans Ans AA End Lbl O ClrHome I A