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Conversion tables in Interstellar

Conversion tables in Interstellar | software-memes, python-memes, c++-memes, version-memes, api-memes, perl-memes, tables-memes |
software-memes, python-memes, c++-memes, version-memes, api-memes, perl-memes, tables-memes |

[text] The software to create the black hole in the movie Interstellar is a full implementation of Einsteins equations in 40000 lines of C and rendered thousands of 23megapixel IMAX frames on a 32000core render farm at about 20 corehours per frame. Trivia in MovieDetails by tanisthemanis T49K 97 O1d T N2 A G i TomboKing 7 1.1K v EtuMeke 1 493 SlipperyJAMS 71 240 dexdin 1 129 zjm555 71 116 fle 40000 lines of C eh If remember my conversion tables correctly thats about 25 lines of python or 0.4 lines of perl. y N