
Ain’t taken no chances

Ain’t taken no chances | google-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, windows-memes, internet-memes |
google-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, windows-memes, internet-memes |


I work in IT, which is the reason our house has: – mechanical locks – mechanical windows – routers using OpenWRT – no smart home crap – no AlexaGoogle Assistant.. – no internet connected thermostats Tech Enthusiasts: Everything in my house is wired to the Internet of Things! I control it all from my smartphone! My smart-house is bluetooth enabled and I can give it voice commands via alexa! I love the future! Programmers Engineers: The most recent piece of technology I own is a printer from 2004 and I keep a loaded gun ready to shoot it if it ever makes an unexpected noise.