Agile Scam

agileScam | software-memes, development-memes, requirements-memes, ide-memes |
software-memes, development-memes, requirements-memes, ide-memes |


STOP DOING AGILE REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO CHANGE EVERY TWO WEEKS YEARS of ESTIMATING yet no real-world evidence of anything getting done faster "In order to reduce process we add more process" - statement dreamed up by the UTTERLY DERANGED POKER is a GAME not a PLANNING TOOL T-shirt size estimation belongs in the CLOTHING STORE not SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT "Points represent complexity, not time" YET YOU KEEP MEASURING HOW MANY POINTS FIT IN A WEEK?? People who want to "BURN DOWN" belongs in JAIL not run software teams Same goes for people doing GROOMING This is REAL SCRUM done by REAL scrum masters: Planning Work ACTUAL IDEAL Start: 50 points Done: 70 points Remaining: 100 points ????? ??? ???? They have played us for absolute fools ProgrammerHumor.