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Dev Ops In Five Days

devOpsInFiveDays | code-memes, tech-memes, python-memes, management-memes, server-memes, aws-memes, google-memes, git-memes, version-memes, security-memes, bash-memes, azure-memes, docker-memes, performance-memes, elasticsearch-memes, jenkins-memes, search-memes, monitor-memes, cloud-memes, terraform-memes, puppet-memes, kubernetes-memes, container-memes, devops-memes, prometheus-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes, comment-memes |
Content Excited about DevOps? ... See more Created by: Rocky Bhatia in Your Gateway for Tech Learning Roadmap to Master DevOps Understand the DevOps Culture Grasp Core DevOps Principles GIT Version Contre Sustems Kubernetes Container orchestral Docker Containerisation SOBICH Puppet Infrastructurc as Code Jenkins Continuous Integration A Ansible Configuration Management Continuous Delivery Fundamentals Blue-Green Deployments Prometheus Infrastructure Monitoring Elasticsearch Log Management Security and Compliance Basics BashPython Scripting Auromation Terraform Infrastructure Provisionina Performance Tuning and Benchmarking Disaster Recovery Strategies Continuous Deployment Best Practices AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platorm cloud Platform! Istio Istio Service Mesh Architectures enta Learning DevOps Culture Revisited Serverless Architectures in DevOps GO 1,189 36 comments 202 reposts

Casually browsing AskReddit just to learn the news that we're all working for clowns. I'm shattered :(

Casually browsing AskReddit just to learn the news that we're all working for clowns. I'm shattered :( | software-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, stack-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, hardware-memes, ios-memes, docker-memes, jenkins-memes, fix-memes, monitor-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes, ibm-memes, ide-memes, open source-memes, devops-memes, prometheus-memes, grafana-memes, comment-memes |
Content 8 points 11 hours ago but if you have a bank or similiar and need 99.99 uptime no matter what happend, then an IBM mainframe is a very good choise. And IBm have a massive support organisation if you pay for it, they fix anything anytime of the day. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments -2 points 11 hours ago (last edited 11 hours ago) You could also just hire a regular devops team with college-taught skills and have them build your redundancy on readily and widely available hardware backed by open source technology, which won't get you vendor-locked like the poor souls in the banking world You should avoid it choosing proprietary IBM technology at all cost. It's almost always a very bad choice. The only good reason for doing so is if you're already prisoner from having chosen IBM proprietary technology in the past and your team existing structure is already constructed around it. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments 12 points 10 hours ago I'll take "who's never worked in a company with more than 6 people" for 100 permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments -3 points 1Pours ago My ass Every company under the sun is doing running and then monitoring their systems using an open source stack. Docker. Ansible. Jenkins. Nagios. Monit. Prometheus. K8. Grafana. Or a system backed by it. You've either only worked in very niche bubbles of the tech world or you don't know what you're talking about nermalnk source emhed save cave-RE narent renort give award renly hide child comments 13 points 8 hours ago Clearly you're not working in any serious company if they're relying on open source software. Dermalink source embed save save-RES parent report give award reply hide child comments