icloud Memes

She has “True” as her last name and that breaks iCloud.

She has “True” as her last name and that breaks iCloud. | coding-memes, data-memes, hardware-memes, apple-memes, perl-memes, http-memes, error-memes, cli-memes, cloud-memes, icloud-memes, language-memes, exception-memes, product-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Rachel True U RachelTrue Anyone else getting this error from Apple iCloud ? In past or now? I'm 6 months deep freeze looking for any help. I rem dead coding languages like kobalt.. this seems like an Apple coding issue - not hardware iCloud has stopped responding. An error has prevented this application from working properly. Help Apple improve its products by sending us diagnostic and usage information about iCloud. W Details REPORTED ERROR TITLE Type error: cannot set value 'true' to property "lastName" on REPORTED ERROR TYPE UNHANDLED EXCEPTION By clicking 'Send to Apple' you agree that Apple will collect and use this information as part of its support services and to improve its products and services. This report will include personal information such as your member name and user data. To learn more about Apple's Privacy Policy, see https:www.apple.comprivacy

The cost of storage is too damn high

The cost of storage is too damn high | cloud-memes, ide-memes, icloud-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content iCloud Storage Is Full Photos, videos and iCloud Drive are no longer updating. Upgrade Storage Close

Creative way to finde new devs...

Creative way to finde new devs... | server-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, date-memes, http-memes, fix-memes, c-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, icloud-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Setup Instruc Elements Console Sources Network LOC Performance Default levels Memory 1 item hidden by filters javascript.is:3 Sign in to Cloud Apple ID Password Keep me signed in Forgot Apple ID or password? Don't have an Apple ID? Create yours now. Happy to see you here! We are hiring the sharpest minds in the industry who want to build the most sophisticated and delighttul ado Lications on the wed. Check out https:www.icloud.comjobs setup.icloud.comsetupws1validate?clientBuildNumber17EHotfix16client Id9F2B06D4-F4D5-40BD -A3AE-BFAD2DB5E533clientMasteringNumber17EHot fix1 Failed to load resource: responded with a status of 4 Miscirected Request

You know how HTTP GET requests are supposed to be idempotent?

You know how HTTP GET requests are supposed to be idempotent? | code-memes, web-memes, iphone-memes, random-memes, http-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, ide-memes, ipad-memes, ML-memes, icloud-memes, laptop-memes, retweet-memes, wifi-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Will Pearse rombulow Follow V You know how HTTP GET requests are meant to be idempotent? Well, do I have the story for you ... a while back I added WiFi control to our garage doors with little Wemos Dis. 2:09 PM - 29 Apr 2018 1,659 Retweets 2,532 Likes 61 17 1.7K 2.5K Will Pearse rombulow Apr 29 The Wemos expose a simple web page with a link that says "Toggle". The endpoint for the link activates a relay, which is hooked up to the push-button on the garage door, which makes the door raiselowerhalt. 9 1 17 24 175 Will Pearse rombulow Apr 29 (This toggle endpoint responds to GET requests. I threw the code together in minutes and was too lazy to spend another couple minutes figuring out POST. regret) 2 17 13 Y 181 Will Pearse rombulow Apr 29 Safari eventually figured out I used this toggle page regularly, so added it to my favourites. Which are iCloud-synced between all my devices. 9 1 17 25 218 Will Pearse rombulow Apr 29 So every time I opened a new tab on my laptop, desktop, iPhone or iPad the garage door opened or closed. Late at night, early in the morning, or randomly throughout the day... 15 27 177 Y 820 Will Pearse rombulow Apr 29 This, kids, is why GET requests should be idempotent. 37 17 221 M 1.2K

Creative way to finde new devs...

Creative way to finde new devs... | server-memes, try-memes, devs-memes, date-memes, http-memes, fix-memes, c-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, cloud-memes, icloud-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Setup Instruc dl Elements Console Sources ANASTOR Performance Default levels Memory 1 item hidden by filters javascript.is:3 Sign in to iCloud Apple ID Password Keep me signed in Forgot Apple ID or password? Don't have an Apple ID? Create yours now. Happy to see you here! We are hiring the sharpest minds in the industry who want to build the most soohist cated and desiahtfu applications on the web. Check out https:www.icloud.comjobs setup.icloud.comsetupws1validate?clientBuildNumber17EHotfix16client Id-9F2B06D4-F4D5-40BD -A3-BFAD2DB5E5336clientMasteringNumber17EHot fix) Failed to load resource: ProdrammerHumor.io