Content : 302fbff (master, Git-Fu) craig552uk github.comcraig552ukgit-poem 088 460 Merge branch verse I 45d79a Git is such a mysterious tool. 235eb72 so many commands and options. I am an ignorant fool. cf0421e 2162171 I add. I commit. I merge, pull and push, 96483 evervthing else turns my mind to mush. 95cce2a c626c7 I use aliases that make me feel 1337. 7c523d4 but when I dance with this devil. I have two left feet 3858a4d 7fdc9aa Panic! Merge conflict! Lost in a diff avalanche! e55d811 My detached head is left swinging from a branch. 81ab047 Merge branch "verse 2' Ze0aa3d Enough is enough! This will not do. oboesed I wa learn the ways of the redo w master Git-rul 5f45879 Merge branch "verse 3' ff3738b I learn that a commit is a diff, with a little meta-data blbelcd it has a unique hash, so you can check it out later. 22695f Commits have parents and children, which form a great tree 933466 they branch apart and merge together. This is a repository 4010106 Changes in your code are added to the stage. fc62e6e This is Ner 6333249 4dbfOdd Once your changes are staged, and you are happy with what you wrote 322tch they can be committed as one. Be sure to write usetul bfe9d2d Merge branch 'verse 8fdd51f (HEAD) is a pointer to what you can currently see, b8ea50b you can checkout any part of your code base history 503c736 7e9475 (tag: is-a-label) for marking a commit 6tb4329 perhaps use them for releases, so you can quickly find it db2bcee 6645640 (git-branch) creates a fork in the commit tree abbSeb7 Use it to work on ideas, safe in your repository 8132162 13727d1 And remember that a branch (like a tag) is just a label on a commit 11b80a6 you can, if you want, very past y move it 3c8232e Merge branch 'verse 5' 0a7c44d Though if you do, you may have to push with --force 189168 but only then if the remote complains, of course. f89a742 Se331d6 To reuse a commit buried deep elsewhere. 90884f8 ( cherry-pick) can lift it out and apply it over here 70a5222 (git-stash) will keep uncommitted changes out the way, adle lc when you're ready, you can bring them back into play. a403313 621316d A detached head (with Git) is no cause for concern 43fb5a8 It's just a commit without core on to so I have learned) 1046347 Merge branch 'verse 6 3bde594 Now if you want to share your work you might just push and pray atolco but to fetch and rebase 1s much cleaner, sater, b627373 2196599 Fetch brings the commits from a remote repository a0l5s2 you should aim to organise your work with a neat history 9e01f86 b217484 Personally, I like to rebase first 473d10a this replays my commits on top of previous work dcoOba9 aedfd26 Then to make reading the history much easier and faster, merge. witn - -no-tt, this branch into 86a6a8 Merge branch "verse -7' 7c5cdc3 I have much more to learn before I become a Git Master, a2882ed But I'm confident I have the knowledge to avert repo disaster. f76208a 6be2800 If you struggle with Git, if you're sometime unsure what to do, fa60796 I hope these silly rhymes help you on your journey to Git Fu. 6bce092 Initial Commit