Regex entering normal language

Regex entering normal language | regex-memes, jar-memes, IT-memes, language-memes |
regex-memes, jar-memes, IT-memes, language-memes |


Today 21 14:19 Do not speak Germn here. As long as you only speak English, you're alright. 1 Today at 1419 It's not an attack, it's a logical statement based on a single accusation. Why the hell did you censor the word German? Because of gendered language And I suggest you censor it too Sadar at 14 21 Ah, yes, because Gerwoman is a word Or Gerperson Stop now You are literally saying that German, a word referring to a language, is a gendered word. Stop using gendered language. Is it really so difficult to use german and make people feel more secure and safe? German A Reply 4 73 J Big-Flamingo-8969 8h germxn Door Ajar jar . 7h gxrmxn A Vlibive. 6h xxxxxx Door Aiar jar. 6h X(x)(x)x(x)(x)x(x)(x) 4 6

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