!!!THE BELOW MESSAGE WAS DISPLAYED ON SOMEONE'S TV. CODE WAS DISPLAYED, MIXED WITH THE WORDS "KILL PROCESS OR SACRIFICE CHILD" ! ! ! !! ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS! ! Monroo Electronics, inc. EAB-03: CentoS rolcasa 6.9 (lInal) Kernel: 2.6.32-696. on as TAMP27 vldpEN301 login: Dot of 12899 ) scora 0G1 or sa crifice child Milod process 12059, UID B, (ulc) (otel-s: 109013248, anon-ran:79341640, flie-r as :50060 Dat af actory: MAIl process 20979 (ule) scare D61 ar nacrifice chlla us:20040 Bat of schory: MIII process 16879 (ule) score 056 or sacrifice chitti Bat of actory: MI11 process 18399 (ule) core 011 ar socrifico child Killed process 18399, AID B, (ulc) total-:1011900k0, ason-res:72839248, Filer 86:10040