
Women superior

Women superior | code-memes, stackoverflow-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, overflow-memes, comment-memes |
code-memes, stackoverflow-memes, stack-memes, stack overflow-memes, overflow-memes, comment-memes |

[text] oS v e 303080 Al I Te Tl T uACTGACTGACTG 2h Why are there so few women on Stack Overflow Only 5 female users participated in their 2022 annual survey. 4 419 L O o7 s P A uBinanceAds DO A AT T Y s LU SRR R ET S ey ol o mygggmg exchange. That means better price stability less slippage and faster trad… 4 Q BEST COMMENTS v belarme 2h Women just write their own code no need for Stack Overflow Reply AR o anduhd 34m . 54 people are here Yo s REReTelpalna el