Worlds Best Bug Causer

worldsBestBugCauser | programming-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, tech-memes, program-memes, bug-memes, error-memes |
programming-memes, code-memes, computer-memes, tech-memes, program-memes, bug-memes, error-memes |


ValueError: Unknown error. You made a mistake in your code, but it's unknown what the error is. This error message should technically be impossible to get, but you somehow got it. Congratulations, I'm very impressed. There's a good chance that nobody has ever gotten this error before, so your code is so broken that this happened. Either you need to give up on programming, or you just need to get a new computer. Seriously, though, how did you get this message? May I recommend not using MS-DOS, or maybe just being an accountant instead? Anyway, so, the weather, am I right?

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