Content Write the code to compute the area of a polyhedron. Write the code comments in the style of Donald Trump. Copy code This is the code to compute the area of a polyhedron. It's a fantastic piece of code, the best code you've ever seen. You won't find a better code anywhere, trust me. It's really great def polyhedronarea(vertices, faces) : This code is so good, it doesn't even need comments. But I'll comment it anyway, because I'm a fantastic coder and a very stable genius. total area 0 Loop through all the faces of the polyhedron. for face in faces: Get the vertices of the current face. face vertices verticesi for i in face Use the Shoelace Theorem to compute the area of the current face. face area 8.5 abs(sum(x1y2 - x21 for ((X1, 1), (X2, y2)) in segments (facevertices))) Add the area of the current face to the total area. totalarea facearea Return the total area of the polyhedron. It's a really big area, believe me. return total area