Content Can you lick the science? Genetics: Do not. Unless cheek swabs? Chemistry: NO!!!! DO NOT!!!!!! Archaeology: Perhaps. But might be human bone. Geology: Sometimes needed. Sometimes dangerous, Psychology: Best not. Physics: ??????222? How????? Zoology: In zoology, science licks you. Anthropology: Maybe ask first. Herpetology: bad plan bad plan BAD PLAN Sociology: Yes, if you have time and dedication and a willingness to piss a lot of people off. Botany: You might hallucinate or die. Or it might be delicious. Computer Engineering: the tingle of electricity on your tongue is how you know it's working Epidemiology: FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD PLEASE DO NOT Linguistics: Despite the name, please probably don't. Engineering: Maybe, but it'll probably taste like spreadsheets. Computer Science: nothing else has made the code work, so you might as well try it.