
Programming alone vs. Programming when your code will be reviewed

Programming alone vs. Programming when your code will be reviewed | programming-memes, code-memes, program-memes, ios-memes, function-memes, stream-memes, space-memes, product-memes |
programming-memes, code-memes, program-memes, ios-memes, function-memes, stream-memes, space-memes, product-memes |

[text] int include iostream using namespace std int main cout 3 5 endl include iostream int doProductint int 1 int main int a 3 int b 5 stdcout doProducta b stdendl 37 R summary Function that receives 2 numbers and returns their product ATl To param nameaThe first numberparam param namebThe second numberparam returnsThe product of the a and breturns doProductint a int b return a b