
Only programmers could get away with spending $150k to look like a Kardashian

Only programmers could get away with spending $150k to look like a Kardashian | programmer-memes, code-memes, coder-memes, program-memes, IT-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, coder-memes, program-memes, IT-memes |

[text] makoccino 2 22h Where do those idiots find the money to do stupid things like this S Reply X34 Dgalldayeveryday 2 20h Prbgrammerscoders S Pe DecentAd11 6h Why you hate programmers lol S P26 Dgalldayeveryday 2 6h dont hate programmers but typically they are the only people overpaid enough and overlooked enough to do something this strange and not get blackballed by society. a Z1e DecentAd11 6h Their jobs hardoverpaid dont think S P10 Dgalldayeveryday 2 6h Its a bubble. Once there are enough of them it will flatten. Totally overpaid. S 2 Vote SavantTheVaporeon 1h That doesnt answer the question thouah… how are thev overpaid If thevre