makoccino 2 22h Where do those idiots find the money to do stupid things like this? : Dgalldayeveryday 2 - 20h Programmerscoders 5 Reply 7 34 Decent-Ad11 6h Why you hate programmers lol Dgalldayeveryday 2 6h I don't hate programmers, but typically they are the only people overpaid enough and overlooked enough to do something this strange and not get blackballed by society. Decent-Ad11 6h Their jobs hard,overpaid? I dont think : 3 Dgalldayeveryday 2 6h It's a bubble. Once there are enough of them it will flatten. Totally overpaid. Vote SavantTheVaporeon 1h That doesn't answer the question, thouah.. how are the overpaid? If thev're