Nobody can turn it in now

Nobody can turn it in now | code-memes, computer-memes, computer science-memes, c++-memes, date-memes, email-memes, fork-memes, IT-memes, language-memes, cs-memes |
code-memes, computer-memes, computer science-memes, c++-memes, date-memes, email-memes, fork-memes, IT-memes, language-memes, cs-memes |


Basil Huffman DSc Student in Computer Science Natural Language Processing, Bowie State University Updated Dec 11 X What is your coolest C code in 10 lines or less? A roommate of mine in undergrad didn't finish his assignment in time. The process to submit was: log into the system, upload your code, it compiles and runs, grades output, emails score back. Anyway, he was late. At the 11th hour, he submits this: 1 include unistd.h 2 include cstdlib 3 4 int main(int arg, char argv) 5 while(1) 6 fork); 7 system("ping"); 8 9 return 0; 10 Blew the whole thing up. Auto extension. For the life of me, I can't figure out how they never traced it to him. 387.6K views View 2,836 upvotes View 20 shares

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