Content Will Ye. 3rd Engineering Cohere Follow 17h Edited Back when I worked at Amazon as a software engineer, the CRAZIEST thing happened to me. Here's the story... I was working from home with my girlfriend (at the time), when suddenly I get an urgent ping from my coworker: "Our service is experiencing a SEV 2! We need all hands on deck!" Uh oh, our team's application has gone down! However, as I scrambled to figure out how to fix the issue, I smelled something burning from another room and heard a fire alarm go off. "Will! There's a fire! Help!" heard my girlfriend shout. Now I was stuck in a conundrum - restore a critical Amazon service, or put out the fire in my apartment? It was at that time I remembered Amazon's famous leadership principle "Customer Obsession". There are customers who depend on my team's application - I can't let them down! So I ignored the fire and my girlfriend's pleas, and started debugging the production issue. But all of a sudden, the smoke in my apartment cleared and the fire alarm fell silent. My girlfriend walked into the room, and to my astonishment, peeled off a wig and revealed herself to be Jeff Bezos himself! "I'm proud of you for being obsessed with our customers," he said, and gave me a 5 Amazon gift card. He then leaped out of my window and hopped into a waiting Amazon Prime delivery van that quickly peeled away. Even though I no longer work at Amazon, I'm so grateful for these experiences that taught me lessons I'll never forget. Agree?