Content Halli iamharaldur Dear elonmusk 9 days ago the access to my work computer was cut, along with about 200 other Twitter employees. However your head of HR is not able to confirm if I am an employee or not. You've not answered my emails. Maybe if enough people retweet you'll answer me here? 12:38 PM Mar 6, 2023 - 7.4M Views 7,085 Retweets 579 Quote Tweets 31.4K Likes 17 Halli iamharaldur 5h Replying to iamharaldur and elonmusk Hi jack I would really appreciate your help on this one. My company was acquired on your watch and I joined because I believed in what you were building. 70 17 348 4,554 a 729.8K 1 Halli iamharaldur 5h And then there's sequoia and a16z. Two investors in Twitter that claim they are founder friendly. Let's see if they actually live by that motto now that Twitter is cutting acquired founders with no communication. 50 17 289 3,845 .651.8K 1 Elon Musk elonmusk : 2h Replying to iamharaldur What work have you been doing? 1,501 17 1.052 19.4K 4.3M 1 Halli iamharaldur 2h Replying to elonmusk I would need to break confidentiality to answer this question here. If you have your lawyers share in writing that I can do that then I'd be happy to discuss that openly! 335 17 137 M 3.363 Nil 797.5K Show replies ProdrammerHumor io