Found this from a few years ago. Does it belong here?

Found this from a few years ago. Does it belong here? | try-memes, string-memes, IT-memes |
try-memes, string-memes, IT-memes |


Ministry Of Dev, PhD UdellGames Folgen Use whatever brace style you prefer. But not this. Don't do this. Seek help instead of this. public class Permuter private static void permute(int n, charI a) if (n o) System.out printin(String.value0f (a)) else for (int i 0; 1 n; i) permute(n 1, a) swap(a, n 2 0 ? 1 : 0, n) private static void swap(charl) a, int 1, int j) char saved alil ali alil ail saved A31 ProgrammerHumor. i0