Content 8:13 4 rimm. rean i'm seeing on Youture there is a way to erase it from the disk while installing Ubuntu. Is that how you did it? It should offer to intall ubuntu with a "dual boot" (side by side with windows) or to delete windows, but I would recomment that you do a dual boot. I'll check messages in the morning. good nite. Love you. okay, I'II see what I can figure out. Goodnight, love you too! 8:11 PM Just thought of why it's not working for you (I just had to get up and post this). The thumb drive that I gave is a boot-able drive. You'll have to find how to get pc to boot from the us. The setting is in the "Bios." Look up how access the Bios, usually by pressing one of the "F" keys while the pc is booting up (F2 maybe). Once this is done, insert the thumb drive in the us and start, or restart the pc I'll check in morning. Aa ProarammerHumor.ic