Content Wordie Wordle is a word-guessing game where you have six tries to guess a five-letter word. After the player makes a guess, they are given hints about which letters in their guess are in the secret word. Each letter that is the right letter and in the right place is marked with an exclamation point. Each letter that is the right letter but in the wrong place is marked with a question mark. Any letters in the guess that do not appear in the secret word are marked with an X. After the game is over, a summary of the game is shown, with the marks identifying the letters you guessed correctly each round, but it does not include the guesses itself. Try modifying the game to use the date as a random seed. Then these game summaries can be cut out and shared with your friends to compare how well you did on each days words without giving away the solution! 1 MODE g PRINT TAR 33: WORD SE 15 ORTNT THB SISTE ERFATTUE COMDIITING MORRISTOWN. 20 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT 2S PRINT FRIERSEY YOU GET SIX TRIES STO GIFSS THE C 30 PRINT "LETTER WORD THE I AM THINKING OF. hETER EACH GUESS' 35 PRINT "LETTERS THAT ARE IN THE CORRECT LOCATION 40 PRINT "MARKEL AND LETTERS THAT ARE CORRECT BUT' PRINT IN THE WRONG LOCATION ARE MARKED WITH A ?. LETTERS' DO PRINT THAT ARE NOT IN THE WORD ARE MARKED 55 PRINT X.' SO PRINI 65 DIM K(26)R(6) 80 FOR I1 TO RND(C) 139 C1 160 IF GS"K" GOTO 509 170 IF LENG5 PRINT "YOUR GUESS MUST BE 5 LETTERS LONG. AGOTO 150 620 199 FOR TE 1 TO THEN Ls"!":GOTO 290 WORDLE roFOTTUF COMPUTING MORRISTOWN. NEW JERSEY IN THIS GAME, YOU GET SIX TRIES TO GUESS THE LETTER WORD THE I AM THINKING OF. AFTER EACH GUESS LETTERS THAT ARE IN THE CORRECT LOCATION ARE MARKED WITH A ! AND LETTERS THAT ARE CORRECT RUT IN THE WRONG LOCATION ARE MARKED WITH A ?. LETTERS THAT ARE NOT THE AND X. PAROLIT PPPOlA YYYY PHONY SPLENDID! THE SECRET WOULD YOU IKF TO PLAY AGRINZ 229 FOR e1 TO 1 240 NEXT J 250 FOR J1 TO 5 260 IF MIDScGS;1,1MIDS(SS.J.1) ANI MIDS(6S,J,1MIDS(SS,J,1) THEN MM 1 265 IF MN THEN X-1 270 NEXT EL THEN Ise 8 88000 000 295 R(C)R(C)LS I OASCMIDS (Gs,I,1))-64 320 IF LS"?" AN 330 IF LS"X" AND KSCO BOO NEXT 360 CC1 379 Gore 106 9 0 FUk 870 26 520 PRINT KS(I): 340 PRINT:PRINT "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUUWXYZ;PRINT 950 0010 150 SEA PRINT "OUT OF TRIES." 16070 530 IF CEl THEN PRINT "GENIUS!' 621 IF C2 THEN PRINT "MAGNIFICENT!" 622 IF C3 THEN PRINT "IMPRESS IF C4 THEN PRINT "SPLENDID! 624 IF C5 THEN PRINT "GREAT 625 IF C6 THEN PRINT PRIT VT "THE SECRET WORD WAS ";SS;"!":PRII 640 FOR I 650 PRINT R(I) 680 PRINT "WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY AGAIN? YN" 690 INPUT RI TOe IF RSaY THEN RESTORE:GOTO 70 1000 DATA 2315, "ABACK", "ABASE", "ABATE", "ABBEY", "ABBOT" VOL UnihonUk s ARODFS"ORODTE. BOROUS: 1002 DATA "ABUSE", "ABYSS", "ACORN"." HCRIO" "ACTOR", "ACUTE 1003 DATA "ADAGE", "ADAPT", "ADEPT", "ADMIN' " "ADMTT , "ADOBE' 1004 DATA "ADOPT" ."ADORE 1005 DATA "AFOOT", "AFOUL . "AF1 1006 DATA "AGENT", "AGILE", "AGING' "AGONY , "AGORA' 1007 DATA "AGREE, "AHEAD, "AIDER", "AISLE", "ALAS MA AFRIME 1008 DATA "ALERT","A 1009 DATA "ALIVE", "ALLAY""ALIFY ALLOTI