Anon explains pointers

Anon explains pointers | pointers-memes, IT-memes, variable name-memes |
pointers-memes, IT-memes, variable name-memes |


Anonymous 072914(Tue)21:34 No. 43284913 243284988 243285295 43285370 43286016 File: 1378948966536.jpg (12 KB, 237229) Say you have a variable named Moot, and you want to find out where Moot lives You just do Moot. This returns the address (pointer) to Moot. Now say you have a pointer called Fagland. You then can do Fagland to see who lives there. Say you want to find out who moots neighbor is You take Moots address, and add one to it. (Moot1) now you just need to find out who lives there, so you do (Moot1) Did I get that right?

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