
Went to one class of compsci starter pack

Went to one class of compsci starter pack | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, class-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, class-memes |


Went to one class of compsci starter pack You are now subscribed to r ) ProgrammerHumor! programmer joke: !false It’s funny because it’s true a): a.split(" "); (" unique). arrayfromstring(S("fie).a 7-valO, c use unique (array. fran 1. 10)); 1f (c 2 b – 1) pets c), this.trigger ("click"); ) f a a(b 88 " " !- a(b 11 Wiser Jogged").val(); c array has colengthbr) -1 l- a. indexorde ; for (b – 0;b c. lengelga ) Sser logged") .valle Can only do basic math and print text Immediately buys one of these I’M AF PROGRAMMER CODE COMPUTER Programmer into softerz MACKERRAR "Yeah I code"