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This is truly a miracle

This is truly a miracle | web-memes, program-memes, error-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes |
web-memes, program-memes, error-memes, reddit-memes, IT-memes |


rAskReddit Posted by uBallsOnAGrinder 5h What million-to-one odds have you witnessed? Discussion 4 680 J 834 Share Award BEST COMMENTS Usidore 3h I have dwarfism, and a third nipple. I like to think I’ GreatNorthWeb 3h ME! Falling nearly 70 feet out of a tree to lan… chel8 3h I was in downtown San Francisco once when I saw a g… scythentic 6 5h I once wrote a program that contained 300 lines in 1 go, it compiled and ran successfully without a single error Reply 1.7k J RedMelon424 5h What the hell