
“What are we even paying them for?”

“What are we even paying them for?” | tech-memes, management-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |
tech-memes, management-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |

[text] T RS Taa A What is the wisest saying youve ever heard Discussion 4 344k W 132k 1 Share SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEWALL eDgAR 7h When you do things right people wont be sure youve done anything at all. God on Futurama OReply 4 38 callisstaa 3h every ittech O o t1x BlackLiger 3h 1Award Everythings working what do we pay these IT staff for Nothings working what do we pay these IT staff for Business Management. Add a comment