
They’re not sending their best

They're not sending their best | list-memes, class-memes |
list-memes, class-memes |

[text] … N6 severalnitrogen On DeSantis site theres a scrolling bar of names who have just donated However its just a scrolling list of the same names repeating classdonation classamountvalue5.21 just donated by Michael K. classdonation classamountvalue104.10 just donated by John B. classdonation classamountvalue47 just donated by Janine T. classdonation classamountvalue21. just donated by Michael C. classdonation classamountvalue15 just donated by Stephanie R. classdonation classamountvalue48. just donated by Suzanne E. classdonation classamountvalue20. just donated by Ian H. classdonation classamountvalue104.10 just donated by Gabino C. classdonation classamountvalue1.04 just donated by Whitney H. 710 PM 24 May 23