10:19 PM I'm accepting again duder 10:19 PM http:i.1y9p01.jpg Image i'M ACCEDTinG aGAIN DUDer 10:19 PM Fuck you and fuck your meme script 10:19 PM http:i.1y9p0g.jpg Image FICK YoU ANd FUCK Your memE sCrIPT
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
HTTP 418: I'm a teapot
The server identifies as a teapot now and is on a tea break, brb
10:19 PM I'm accepting again duder 10:19 PM http:i.1y9p01.jpg Image i'M ACCEDTinG aGAIN DUDer 10:19 PM Fuck you and fuck your meme script 10:19 PM http:i.1y9p0g.jpg Image FICK YoU ANd FUCK Your memE sCrIPT