
Is This Really True?Is It Still Worth it?

Is This Really True?Is It Still Worth it? | programmer-memes, engineer-memes, program-memes, virus-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |
programmer-memes, engineer-memes, program-memes, virus-memes, IT-memes, comment-memes |

[text] Furry Man it would be so cool if someone commissioned me 700 for my art NASAs finest engineer i ktops111 6h . i changed it hahahahahahhahahahahahaha N Keep it up king a 483G hgeo10 6h Mark Rober a fud C 2 VirusLink2 6h Me neither brother . S a8y o 5 B AverageSusEnjoyer 6h a3 A disproportionately high amount of programmers engineers and other intellectual people are furries. dont know what the implications of this are but do know that God has abandoned us S a6 B 27 people here Add a comment