I just love your meetings? Noway.

I just love your meetings? Noway. | ProgrammerHumor.io
I just love your meetings? Noway.


This is the worst thing l've ever seen The lob Wis part we are WaL ahead I cancelled You are m vicalios plans rallter be af work had of course I don't mind working late You're TEJ right. I was .. wrong stion We decided to cinoli worK This weekent Once I Wish to get ahend We love Im this 1 My Employees Would Say 1 Rofits I really dont Can we make need a raise. Costs My review alone Fridays "dress-up" 'daus? are was more down! than enough! 0099 019 I just I'm coming in eariy; why. come yarn... love Given the chance your I would tomorow! We have everything ineelings!

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