Content History of Q INTERCAL - 1972 42 55 DO ,1 13 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB 1 238 DO , 1 SUB 2 108 DO ,1 SUB 3 112 DO ,1 SUB 4 - 0 DO ,1 SUB 5 64 DO ,1 SUB 6 194 DO ,1 SUB 7 48 PLEASE DO ,1 SUB 8 22 DO , 1 SUB 9 248 DO , 1 SUB 10 168 DO , 1 SUB 11 24 DO ,1 SUB 12 16 DO ,1 SUB 13 162 PLEASE READ OUT ,1 PLEASE GIVE UP OF CANADA IN EGYPT here to search HI 85 E Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym (INTERCAL) First joke language Very difficult and complicated Have to begin enouch statements with "please" Otherwise compiler says that programmer is insufficiently polite Too many pleases and says you're too polite CS 2620: Week 1 - Introduction to Proarammina sno LEGION