
“Hello World!” using linear algebra and polynomial curve fitting

"Hello World!" using linear algebra and polynomial curve fitting |
"Hello World!" using linear algebra and polynomial curve fitting

[text] PRSI 9 return int round 4 5 5601.5239800168910000 x 6 15839.254309410564000 powx 2 7 17990.084740472780000 powx 3 e 11078.251208553862000 powx 4 9 4157.1945722233930000 powx 5 54o 1004.3607769364212000 powx 6 inl 159.60952876624610000 powx 7 iE2 16.592823896982345000 powx 8 iR 1.0862681759576835000 powx 9 i 0.0406327155961238650 powx 10 15 0.0006620771128961875 powx 11 16 o i i 19 msg ol for x in range12 il msg chrfx print msg 7 Hello World