Typical interview question: please find the problem in this code.

Typical interview question: please find the problem in this code. | code-memes, interview-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
code-memes, interview-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


namespaces a std; using int; using void; using timet; using o bool; 10 define " auto 11 define enum 12 define false 13 define de true 14 define "evil" 15 define L ::makeshared 16 define Y virtual 17 define : : cout 18 define ::endi templateclass using ::vector; 21 templatesclass 22 usina :shared ptr; S () return () ( return ; :: randO); struct il ( Y 930) 0; ; 29 struct AIre 904 m 90 struct ( 31 struct 32 struct 33 struct struct main () ; ; () : -39 (); return 8 (); ProarammerHumor.

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