Anonymous THE ( PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 013017(Mon)18:35:15 No.58726527 How do i learn this efficiently without falling a sleep on boring text books? 5 KB JPG : Anonvmous 013017(Mon)19:32:27 No.58727277 58726527 (OP) it's not worth learning for the average person. the only people who really eniov coding were bullied as kids and fell in love with the concept of being able to be in control of something for once. 58727327 58727652 58727717 58727955 58728557 Anonymous 013017(Mon)20:00:20 No.58727652 58727277 this hits too close to home: ;; Anonymous 013017(Mon)20:03:46 No.58727717 58727277 188 KB PNG Anonymous 013017(Mon)21:07:20 No.58728557 DAYS WITHOUT SUICIDAL THOUGHTS 62 KB JPG 58727277 tfw good at C and read this