Content 2 Awards My husband and I got married just 3 months ago and I found out he's a notorious sleep talker. Some nights he would roll over to me, kiss me full on the mouth, tell me he loves me, then plonk right back on his pillow and start snoring again(this actually happens regularly, much to my delight lol). Other nights he would blurt out things like how he would install a new server at the sherrif's office, or there's a snake on his palm and when I asked what it's doing he answered that it's coding something. I now enjoy staying up late and am a proud owner of several recordings of my husband's sleep talkings. Recently, I got him answering math questions and it tickled me silly how he got them all correct. Edit: Oh, hey! I got awards. Thank youuuu happy dance 4 2.9k J namewithak 4h 2 Awards Was the snake a Python? 4 1,8k J Dokterz 4h SSSSSSSSSSQL SSSSSSSERVER. 4 453 J