Content People whose eyes are comfortable returns an optional mutable Accribute reference win the elven I pub fn try attr mut(mut self, name: str) - Optionmut Attribute set attributes 1ter mutatind a anameras str name I Returns an optional mutable Attribute reference with the given name, pub in attrnotLocked (amut selt, name: astr) - Optionomut Attribute esult solf attribut. if let Some(ref attribute) find result attribute.locked a Returns an iterator to the Attributes tn iterselt SelT.autributes.iter) Returns a mutable iterator to the Attributes colf attributes.iter mute Returns an vector of the port Attribute index values. If there are no port attributes. the vector will be empty setiter skin while attrb chars take 4 collect String as strEt Returns a vector of all occupied port attribute indices where the corresponding objects exist and are borrowabl fn valid port vec tex(self, objects: RefCellObject tex) - Vecusize skip while lat tribi i .collect :: StringO).asstro .take while(lattribl .take(4).collect:: String0).as str) "Port" ) map Iport attr portattr.10)) .map some index some People who are now fucking blind nub fn iter mut(Smut self) slice: TterMutAttributes .take while(lattrib String0).as str