Tried out that ChatGPT everyone is talking about... I think we're safe for now.

Tried out that ChatGPT everyone is talking about... I think we're safe for now. | image-memes |
image-memes |


A Can you make ASCII art? Yes, I can create ASCII art! ASCII art is a type of art that uses characters from the ASCII character set to represent images. Here is an example of ASCII art that I can create: Copy code Is there anything else you would like to know? A What is that supposed to be? S That ASCII art is meant to be a representation of a snowman! The different characters and punctuation marks are arranged in a way to create the shape of a snowman. The characters, and :' are used to create the body, while the character; is used to create the snowman's eyes and mouth. I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. O