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uDezo Ghoste "are you winning dad? reSolution (x) 3372 Errors 0 of 45 Warnings COMessages Build Only " Code Description 8) BC30552 Reference required to assembly Missing Core Assembly, Version00.0.0, Cultureene one to your project. 8) BC30652 Reference required to assembly Missing Core Assembly, Version00.0.0, Culture net one to your project. 8) BC30002 Type 'Dictionary is not defined. 8) BC20552 Reference required to assembly "Missing Core Assembly, Version00.0.0, Culturene one to your project. R BC30002 Type 'PossibleModules' is not defined. (8) BC30652 Reference required to assembly " Missing Core Assembly, Version00.0.0, Culture net one to your project. (x) BC30045 'List' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments R) BC30652 Reference recuired to assembly Missing Core Assembly: one to your projec ) BC30002 Type 'Type' is not defined. (X) BC30652 Reference required to assembly 'Missing Core Assembly, Version00.0.0, Cultureneu one to your project. (R) BC30002 Type System. Void is not defined.