Content Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article interaction Help Community portel Becent chances Contact pane Article Talk Read Edit View history Search Jake Weary From Wikipedia. the tree encyclopedla Not to be confused with jQuery. Jake Weary (born Jacob Weary; February 14, 1990) is an American actor, singer, musician, songwriter and music producer. He is known for his role as Vince Keeler, in the series Chicago Fire and as Kevin in Fred: The Movie, Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred, Fred 3: Camp Fred, and Fred: The Show.!1) Contents Thidel 1 Acting career Music 3 Personal life 4 Filmoaranhv 5 References 6 External links Jake Weary Born acon Wean February 14, 1990 (age 26) Trenton New lercey I S Occupation Actor. singer. musician. music roducer sandonor Voore sctino 0001procont What links here Belated chances lIniced file Snacial naces Permanent link Page information Cite this nade Printleynort Create a book Drintable sorcion Lanquages ProarammerHumor in Acting career (edit) After an initial quest role on his mother Kim Zimmer's show. Guiding Licht in 2002. he was cast as Luke Snyder on the television soap opera As the World Turns, 121 Weary went on to appear in episodes of two of the law Orderfranchise shows Criminal Intent and SVI3 Weary was cast in Kaare Anderson's film Altitude. In 2014, he plaved Hugh in the thriller film It Follows 4 Weary is also set to star in TNT's highly anticipated drama from creator John Wells. "Animal Kingdom". Music edit Weary alco nroducos writes and rocords his own music and has heon producing since the are of 12 Weary previously recorded most of his music under the regru aror gorhomore effor rile rrrr which wor rrrred fro He row