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Boss: “Write better comments.”

Boss: "Write better comments." | code-memes, server-memes, node-memes, version-memes, data-memes, swift-memes, string-memes, forms-memes, url-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, documentation-memes, language-memes, comment-memes, kde-memes, public-memes, graph-memes |
code-memes, server-memes, node-memes, version-memes, data-memes, swift-memes, string-memes, forms-memes, url-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, documentation-memes, language-memes, comment-memes, kde-memes, public-memes, graph-memes |

[text] 1 import Foundation P U L import SymbolKit 15 Link resolution works in two parts S 17 1. When DocC compiles a documentation bundle and encounters an external reference it will call out to 18 resolve that reference using the external resolver thats been registered for that bundle identifier. 19 The reference may be a page in another documentation bundle or a page from another source. LI 21 2. Once DocC has finished compiling the documentation bundle it will summarize all the pages and onpage I elements that can be linked to. 1 This information is returned when another documentation bundle resolves a reference for that page. 1 L POV 71 TSR LA I B o 3 DocumentationContext L Register bundle 2 1 s b LEL TR T PO UL I A LA YA EE V 7 R A Either respond IR G RN ST about another 4w LIE T N A OR 1 1 1 e I Respond with 7 information about 1 ConvertAction PRI CRE L r r DocumentationContext Outofprocess Request information Resolve links K P from a server a7 h Convert and render another source 1 L T I Encode information about 1 v every page and onpage element that can be e Other sources LIV referenced externally B 59 1 LTI Process and upload 66 write linkable entities information about the bk A7 linkable elements A A B G o . A summary of an element that you can link to from outside the documentation bundle. 11 68 The nonoptional properties of this summary are all the information needed when another bundle references this element. 6 1l 76 Various information from the summary is used depending on what content references the summarized element. For example 1 In a paragraph of text a link to this element will use the title as the link text and style the tile in code font if the kind is a type of e In a task group the the 7 title and is displayed together to give more context about this element and the element may 73 based on the values of its platforms and other metadata about the current versions of the platforms. 74 public struct LinkDestinationSummary Codable Equatable 75 The kind of the summarized element. 6 public let kind DocumentationNode.Kind 78 1 The language of the sunmarized element. public let language Sourcelanguage 8e il 11 The relative path to this element. 82 public let path String 0 11 The resolved topic reference URL to this element. public var referenceURL URL The title of the summarized element. 88 public let title String 89 An abstract is a single paragraph of rendered inline content. i public typealias Abstract RenderInlineContent 92 The abstract of the summarized element. public let abstract Abstract ALl the languages in which the summarized element is available. 9 public let availablelanguages SetSourcelanguage