
You did what‽

You did what‽ | code-memes, test-memes, production-memes, reddit-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, product-memes |
code-memes, test-memes, production-memes, reddit-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes, product-memes |

[text] Whats the most NSFW thing you did in 20172 self Askreddit submitted 14 hours ago by timbroddin 2531 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost sorted by best v T 4 polyphone92 435 paints 4 hours 290 1 pushed my code directly to Production. permalink save report give gold reply wisdompowercourage 35 points 4 hours age You menace. permalink save parent report give gold reply meteam 22 points 3 hours ago Real men test in prod permalink save parent report ive gold reply newestreddituser S peints 2 hours g0 rmadiads permalink save parent report give gold reply 1 Pfheonix 7 paints an hour ago Theres NSFW then theres just not safe for work. You brave depraved person. permalink save parent report give gold reply hota20blond score hidden 28 minutes g Sheeit. Thats SOP where I work. permalink save parent report give gold reply 1 3vSkol 3 poins 2 hours ago Im calling the cops permalink save parent report give gold reply