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As someone who has done something similar in the past, I don’t feel bad about laughing. 🀣 (Also this guy got the advice he needed.)

As someone who has done something similar in the past, I don't feel bad about laughing. 🀣 (Also this guy got the advice he needed.) | server-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, loc-memes, terminal-memes, git-memes, github-memes, data-memes, api-memes, ubuntu-memes, ide-memes, credentials-memes |
server-memes, testing-memes, test-memes, loc-memes, terminal-memes, git-memes, github-memes, data-memes, api-memes, ubuntu-memes, ide-memes, credentials-memes |

[text] O rgithub Accidentally uploaded file with sensitive data to GitHUb can anyone give me the step by step instructions should follow if have accidentally pushed an .env.testing file to my Github repo which has all my API credentials to remove all evidence of this file from Github for anyone that may view the repo please note pushed fro DO Ubuntu server and have no local and also what steps should take from terminal in the remote directory from which this was pushed. Basically just want all evidence of this file GONE. 13 J 7 o Share